Benefits Available to all Full Members
Hospital Excess Benefit
Based on the continued Membership of the Fund and with one of the Fund’s approved Health Insurers – Health Partners and BUPA Australia, using an approved method of contributing – The Fund will meet all or part of the Hospital Excess which may be incurred for Hospital accommodation costs. The benefit paid by the Fund will be dependent upon the then current level of benefit approved by the Management from time to time.
Death Benefit
This benefit which is currently $5,000 may be payable in respect to the death of a Member or his/her spouse. In the case of the death of a Member the payment may be made to the Spouse, the Nominated dependent, or the Legal Personal Representative of the Member as the Management may decide. In the case of the death of the spouse of a Member, the payment is made to the Member. A payment is relation to the spouse shall be a once only benefit during the life of the Member.
Funeral Benefit
This benefit which is currently $5,000 may be payable in respect to the death of a member or his/her spouse. In the case of the death of a member the payment may be made to the spouse , the Nominated dependent, or the Legal Personal Representative of the Member as the Management may decide. A benefit of $4500 may be paid in the case of the death of a dependent child (to the age of 21 years of age) of the Full Member and may be paid to the Member. A payment in relation to the spouse shall be a once only benefit during the life of the Member.
Sickness and Accident Benefit
Full members may under some circumstances be entitled to Sickness benefits from the Fire Service Fund. To qualify, the full Member must have exhausted any accumulated sick leave. On application, a fortnightly payment of $300.00 may be approved. Due to the Fund’s status with Centrelink as a “Friendly Society” the payment of this benefit by the Fund is exempt from the Income Test Assessment applied by Centrelink. Additional financial assistance may be available under this benefit.
Wills / Power of Attorney Benefit
This benefit is payable upon a Member and/or Member’s spouse have their Wills, Enduring and/or Medical Powers of Attorney drawn up or reviewed. This benefit is currently at $100.00 per document to the maximum of $200.00 per Member. This benefit is also payable each five years but in the event of a will needing to be changed or updated by a surviving partner, this benefit is payable immediately.
Ambulance Benefit
In the case of Members who are a Member of SA Ambulance Service’s (SAAS) subscription scheme, upon proof of utilization of SAAS service, be entitled to refund of the SAAS subscription for that particular year in which SAAS service was utilized.
Skin Scan
This benefit is payable upon a Member or Member’s spouse having a skin scan provided by a recognised provider (skin clinic/dermatologist). This benefit is currently at a maximum of $50.00 per claim for two claims per year per Member.
Benefits Available to Associate Members
Hospital Excess Benefit
Based on the continued Membership of the Fund and with one of the Fund’s approved Health Insurers – Health Partners and BUPA Australia, using an approved method of contributing – The Fund will meet all or part of the Hospital Excess which may be incurred for Hospital accommodation costs. The benefit paid by the Fund will be dependent upon the then current level of benefit approved by the Management from time to time.
Funeral Benefit
This benefit which is currently $3,750 may be payable in respect to the death of an Associate member or his/her spouse. In the case of the death of an Associate member the payment may be made to the spouse, the Nominated dependent, or the Legal Personal Representative of the Associate member as the Management may decide. A payment in relation to the spouse shall be a once only benefit during the life of the Associate member.
In the event of the death of either a Full or Associate member, Associate membership of The Fund will be offered to the surviving spouse.
Wills / Power of Attorney Benefit
This benefit is payable upon an Associate Member and/or Associate Member’s spouse have their Wills, Enduring and/or Medical Powers of Attorney drawn up or reviewed. This benefit is currently at $100.00 per document to the maximum of $200.00 per Associate Member. This benefit is also payable each five years but in the event of a will needing to be changed or updated by a surviving partner, this benefit is payable immediately.
Skin Scan
This benefit is payable upon an Associate Member or Associate Member’s spouse having a skin provided by a recognised provider (skin clinic/dermatologist). This benefit is currently at a maximum of $50.00 per claim for two claims per year per Associate Member.
Ambulance Benefit
In the case of Associate Members who are a Member of SA Ambulance Service’s (SAAS) subscription scheme, upon proof of utilization of SAAS service, be entitled to refund of the SAAS subscription for that particular year in which SAAS service was utilized.